In most instances feline nasal congestion is the result of an upper respiratory infection. An upper respiratory infection in your cat is, in most cases, similar to when you get a cold. You can use alternative treatments and home remedies safely, as long as your cat's condition responds to home care within seven days and doesn't get worse. Symptoms of an upper-respiratory infection in cats include nasal congestion, sneezing, and discharge of mucus from the eyes and nose.
Nose Care
Because upper respiratory infection in your cat does result in nasal congestion and/or a runny nose, taking care of your cat's nose will be an important aspect of home care for your pet. Keeping your cat's nose clean will likely require that you wipe it at least a couple times each day. Use a soft, clean cloth that is moistened with warm water. Remove any mucus and any dried crust from your cat's nose. If the cat's nose becomes dried and cracked as a result of the illness, you can put a dab of petroleum jelly on her nose.
There are a couple ways to alleviate your cat's congestion. A vaporizer is effective in loosening up the mucus in your cat's nose. You should place the vaporizer in the room where the cat most often sleeps. If you don't have a vaporizer, you can put your cat in the bathroom after running a steamy shower. You can also give your cat Afrin children's-strength nose drops to shrink the swollen membranes in his nose. You should place one drop in one nostril on the first day and one drop in the other nostril the next day. Follow this pattern for five to seven days or until the symptoms have resolved themselves.
One of the most difficult aspects of treating a cat with nasal congestion is getting your pet to eat. Cats' appetites are stimulated by smell. When a cat can't smell, it usually will not eat. Provide your cat with especially smelly foods while she is suffering from an upper respiratory infection and/or nasal congestion. Canned tuna or salmon often work well and can be fed to the cat, or the juice from the fish can be dribbled over her regular food. Another alternative is to heat her canned food in the microwave for a few seconds to release its odors.
Holistic Treatment
Holistic medicine often involves the use of herbs as medicine. Pulsatilla and licorice are used for treating nasal congestion and sinus infections in cats. These herbs have properties that are thought to reduce inflammation and support the cat's immune system. Other commonly used herbs include ribwort plantain and Eastern purple coneflower (better known as a form of echinacea). Homeopathic remedies prescribed for nasal congestion, upper respiratory, and sinus infections in cats include Bryonia, Ferrum phas, Kali sulph and magnesium phosphate.
Tags: alternative, feline, nasal, congestion, upper respiratory, nasal congestion, respiratory infection, upper respiratory infection, your nose, nasal congestion, care your