Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yogurt For Dogs

Yogurt is a common food that people eat for its beneficial vitamins and calcium. It can also make a wonderful and healthy treat or supplement to a dog's regular meals.


Yogurt provides a good dose of calcium for a dog to help keep its bones strong. It also contains probiotics which are healthy bacteria that aides digestion.


Only feed plain, unsweetened yogurt to your dog. The flavored yogurts have too much sugar for a dog's digestive system and is not good for it to eat.


Mix the yogurt with peanut butter and freeze it for a snack or use it as an addition to the dog's food by spooning a small amount over top of kibble.


It is possible for a dog to consume too much calcium which can lead to irregular bone growths. Check with your vet to see what is the healthiest amount of yogurt to feed to your dog.


Cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium and vitamins and contains only a very small amount of lactose. This is a great replacement for yogurt if your dog shows any signs of an upset stomach after yogurt consumption.

Tags: small amount, yogurt your