Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Make A Hotdog Octopus

It's easy to turn ordinary hot dogs into fun octopus hot dogs. All it takes is a little careful cutting. They're fun to serve at parties or just to perk up a regular meal for your kids. Serve it on a bed of vegetables disguised as seaweed. Kids may even eat their vegetables. Read on to learn more.


1. Cut an uncooked hot dog in half lengthwise. Stop cutting when you get an inch away from the end of the hot dog.

2. Turn the hot dog about half-way towards you. Cut again in the same direction. Stop about an inch from the top. The hot dog will now be cut into four equal slices, with an inch of whole hot dog at the top.

3. Repeat the cuts two more times by rolling the hot dog toward you and carefully cutting lengthwise. The hot dog should have eight slices that look like legs.

4. Boil a pot of water. Cook the hot dog according to the directions on the package. The cut slices will curl as they cook. Don't cook too many hot dogs at once. They may tangle.

5. Remove the hot dog from the pan. Place it on top of a bed of vegetables, spinach or pasta. It should look like an octopus resting on a pile or coral or seaweed.

6. Add "eyes" with ketchup or mustard to the uncut portion of the hot dog (the head of the octopus).

7. Purchase an "Octodog" to make creating future hot dog octopi easier. Just place the hot dog on the Octodog and gently push down. The Octodog does all the cutting, and even adds eyes.

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