Monday, December 14, 2009

Make A Facial Mask With Parsley And Spinach

Parsley is a natural cleanser and full of vitamins and minerals that can stimulate circulation, causing a release of impurities and an improvement of the complexion. When parsley is combined with spinach, which also contains lots of vitamins and minerals, a facial mask that is an excellent healing treatment for almost all skin types can be created. Learning make a facial mask with parsley and spinach is actually quite easy.


Make a Facial Mask With Parsley and Spinach

1. Chop both the fresh parsley and the fresh spinach. Boil in one cup of water for five minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and allow to cool.

2. Press the parsley and spinach in a fine mesh strainer to remove as much of the remaining water as possible.

3. Mix enough of the finely ground oatmeal with the parsley and spinach to make a smooth paste. (Note: If you cannot find finely ground oatmeal in the grocery store, use a coffee grinder to grind up your oatmeal.)

4. Apply the paste to a clean face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off using lukewarm to cool water.

Tags: facial mask, Facial Mask, finely ground, finely ground oatmeal, ground oatmeal