Thursday, December 17, 2009

Can White Chicken Chili

Canning your own chili is a great way to eat homemade food year-round, while avoiding boring, store-bought chili. Fortunately, with some basic home canning equipment, the process of canning your own white chicken chili should be rather facile. After making your favorite recipe of white chicken chili, proceed directly into this procedure and can your chili while it is still hot.


1. Heat water until it is is simmering and add it to the pressure canner. Place the jars in the hot water.

2. Fill the hot jars with chili, leaving 1 inch between the top of the chili and the lid.

3. Remove any air bubbles with a plastic knife.

4. Wipe the rims of the jars and screw their lids on.

5. Place the lid on the canner, but leave the petcock open for ten minutes to allow heat from the canner to vent. Close the canner. Leave the jars in the canner for 1 hour and 15 minutes if they are pint jars, or 1 hour and 30 minutes if they are quart jars.

6. Allow the canner to cool. When the pressure reading is 0 psi, remove the lid. Leave the jars in the canner for 5 minutes, then remove them.

7. Tap the lids with a metal spoon. If you hear a ringing sound, then the jars are securely tapped. If you hear a thud sound, either reprocess the contents of the jar or use them within a few days.

Tags: chicken chili, hour minutes, hour minutes they, jars canner, Leave jars, Leave jars canner, minutes they