Monday, November 28, 2011

Types Of Cheeses

Types of Cheeses

The origin of cheese dates back thousands of years. It's a popular food throughout the world. There is an abundance of different types of cheeses and most cheese is made from cow's milk, but can also be made from goat, sheep, buffalo and other mammal's milk.


Cheddar cheese got its name from Cheddar, an English village. It originates from cow's milk and has anywhere from a mild to sharp taste. A shorter processing time means a milder taste and a longer processing time, results in a sharper taste.


Feta is known as a Greek cheese. It is made from sheep milk or a combination of sheep and goat milk. Feta is white with a mild to sharp flavor, depending on a soft or semi-hard texture.


Gouda cheese acquired its name from the Dutch town of Gouda. It's a very popular food in Holland. Gouda has a smooth texture and is surrounded by a wax rind. The flavor is fruity and sweet and often used with desserts.


Mondseer is a cheese made in Salzburg, Austria. Its taste is similar to Limburger cheese. The texture is semi-hard with a sweet and sour flavor.


Parmesan cheese is popular around the world, even though it is named after the city of Parma in Italy. It's sold in grated or wedge forms. The flavor is sharp and the texture is very hard and dry.

Pepper Jack

Pepper Jack cheese has a semi-soft texture. The taste is tart and spicy with the addition of pepper. Pepper Jack is often used in Mexican food such as quesadillas.

Tags: cheese made, made from, Pepper Jack, cheese made from, from milk, mild sharp, name from