Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Make Deviled Ham

Making deviled ham is a thrifty use of ham leftovers.

Many people are familiar with the name-brand deviled ham whose label stars an actual red devil brandishing his pitchfork, but in fact, the tradition of deviling foods goes back a long way in culinary history. According to an article published by the website Straight Dope, foods that were highly-seasoned, fried or that made use of hot ingredients have been referred to as "deviled" since the 1800s. By making your own deviled ham, you can control the heat and other flavorings to create a sandwich spread to please your palate and put the leftovers of your ham dinner to good use.


1. Chop ham into 1-inch cubes and place them in your food processor.

2. Add 1//2 cup of mayonnaise and 1/4 cup of mustard for every pound of ham for basic deviled ham. Add salt and pepper to taste. The website Epicurious also recommends adding 3/4 stick of softened, unsalted butter.

3. Blend the ingredients in your food processor until they become the consistency of a smooth spread.

Tags: food processor, your food, your food processor