Friday, November 11, 2011

Home Remedies For Killing Ants In The House

Home Remedies for Killing Ants in the House

Aside from being a pesky inconvenience, an ant infestation in the house brings along some very undesirable effects. If the infestation is large enough, the ant activity can actually weaken your home's structure. Depending on the species, ant bites can be mildly painful to downright hurtful and itchy. Ants leave a trail of an poop behind to guide other ants to food sources, thus contaminating the surfaces they come in contact with. Getting them out and keeping them out should be a high priority once they are spotted. Chances are you already have products in your home that can help control and even eradicate ant infestations.

Corn Meal and Grits

Sprinkle a trail of corn meal and or grits in the area you have spotted ants. These fiber-rich foods cannot be processed by the ant's digestive system and will simply expand once eaten, killing the ant.

Lemon Juice

Create a mix that's equal parts lemon juice and water, and keep it handy in a spray bottle. When you see them, douse the ants with this mix, which is toxic to their breathing systems.


Mix a solution of two parts vinegar with one part water to spray on the ants. This vinegar solution kills the ants and also disrupts the smell left behind by dead ants, which will throw other ants off the trail. Wiping areas with pure vinegar will also repel ants.

Jelly and Borax

Mix equal parts of a sugary jelly with borax, and spread some of it along where you have spotted ants. The sweetness of the jelly attracts them, and once they have filled up on the concoction, the borax will kill them.

Diatomaceous Earth

This fine white powder is the result of soft sedimentary rocks being crumbled. It is abrasive and has many industrial uses. It also absorbs the moisture and lipids of the ant's exoskeleton and kills ants by dehydrating them. Only use treatment in areas where children and pets cannot access it, because this powdery substance is easily ingested and can cause minor breathing problems.


Baby powder, Vaseline, white chalk, ground chili pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, mint and cayenne pepper are substances that repel ants. Lay a line of one these at the point of entry, and ants will be diverted.

Tags: Ants House, equal parts, have spotted, have spotted ants, Home Remedies