Monday, December 27, 2010

Extend The Pull Date Of Cottage Cheese

If you're tired reaching for an expired cottage cheese container time and time again, read on. Follow these tips to extend the pull date of cottage cheese by as much as 2 weeks and stop your cottage cheese from going bad.


1. Ensure that the lid on the cottage cheese container is tightly closed. Properly fitting the lid on your cottage cheese container can add days to its freshness.

2. Turn down your refrigerator's temperature to 40 degrees F or below. A few degrees under 40 degrees F are optimal for cottage cheese. However, if very low temperatures don't suit your other foods, 40 degrees F can keep your cottage cheese fresh and extend its pull date.

3. Clear a cold, dark spot in the back of your refrigerator for the container. Place the container in the spot.

4. Remove the cottage cheese from the refrigerator only when you intend to eat cottage cheese. After serving yourself, immediately put the lid back onto the container and store it back in the refrigerator. Cottage cheese starts to go bad when left out at room temperatures for longer than necessary.

Tags: cottage cheese, cheese container, cottage cheese container, your cottage, your cottage cheese, cheese from, cottage cheese