Monday, December 12, 2011

Sprout Beans

Mung bean sprouts are harvested when they are 2 to 3 inches long.

Bean sprouts are a nutritious addition to many recipes. Mung bean and garbanzo (chickpea) sprouts are often used in vegan, Indian and Chinese cuisine. However, it can be a challenge to find healthy bean sprouts in some areas. Sprouting beans at home is quite simple, and will give any cook a supply of fresh sprouts within a few days.


1. Purchase seeds that are marketed for sprouting. Pick out any bean seeds that are broken, withered, discolored or moldy.

2. Wash 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the bean seeds in tepid distilled or filtered water.

3. Place the seeds in a single layer onto the flat bottom of a 1- to 2-quart bowl or jar.

4. Pour tepid water over the beans. The water should rise 3 inches above the tops of the seeds. Set the dish aside for 4 to 12 hours to allow the seeds to soften. Large bean seeds should soak for 12 hours.

5. Pour the saturated beans into a colander. Drain as much of the water as possible from the seeds. Return the seeds to the glass container.

6. Cover the glass container with a piece of cheesecloth or muslin. Secure the cloth in place with an elastic band.

7. Place the covered dish into a glass baking dish or aluminum pan in a natural light setting. Tilt the container on its side to allow any excess moisture to drain through the cloth. If the beans have no visible moisture content, you can set them on a flat surface.

8. Rinse and re-cover the bean seeds every day for two to five days. Watch for signs of splitting seed coats and sprout growth. Harvest the sprouts when the roots are the length of the seed. The sprouts should be up to 3 inches long.

Tags: bean seeds, bean sprouts, glass container, inches long, Mung bean, seeds that