Thursday, December 1, 2011

Freeze Homemade Applesauce

Combine homemade applesauce with assorted ingredients for a delicious dessert.

The time you spend making homemade applesauce is an investment that will pay you back richly when you desire the delicious flavor of sweet apples. Although canned or jarred applesauce is readily available from the grocery store, homemade applesauce puts the store bought variety to shame. Instead of canning applesauce in a water bath, freeze homemade applesauce in containers for a fast and easy storage solution.


1. Cool the warm, homemade applesauce in the refrigerator.

2. Pour the applesauce into the plastic zipper bags or into the plastic containers. Fill the bag approximately three-quarters full or fill the container to approximately 1 inch from the top.

3. Fold the plastic zipper bag over to remove as much air as possible and seal the bag carefully. If using a plastic container, place the lid on the container firmly.

4. Write the date and contents on the outside of the plastic bag or container.

5. Place the bag or container into the freezer. Freeze the applesauce for up to 1 year.

6. Remove the bag or container from the freezer to thaw the applesauce. Place the bag or container into the refrigerator to thaw the applesauce for approximately 8 hours. Keep the thawed applesauce in the refrigerator.

Tags: homemade applesauce, applesauce refrigerator, container into, into plastic, Place container into, plastic container, plastic zipper