Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Do Bean Seeds Need To Grow

Beans are a popular crop in the summertime.

Beans are a popular summertime crop because of their thriving growth and fresh green harvest. The bean family includes green beans, yellow beans, lima beans, shell beans, fava beans, black-eye peas, soybeans and scarlet runner beans, to name a few. All beans require similar care both before and after sprouting.

Location and Timing

Plant beans as a spring and summer crop, directly after the last frost in your area. Beans like space, and don't grow well when crowded. When planting beans outside, weed the site first and maintain its cleanliness to give the beans a chance to sprout. Plant beans 1 inch deep, and spaced at 4 to 6 inches, in rows 18 to 24 inches apart.

Soil and Fertilizer

Plant beans in rich, loose soil that drains quickly. Beans fail to germinate if they're in soil that becomes too thick with moisture. According to Gardener's Network, beans are heavy feeders and also appreciate both compost and seed-starter fertilizer at planting time.

Sunshine and Circulation

All beans require full sun for successful growing. Place beans in areas with full sun for them to sprout, whether you're planting outside or in pots. Beans also do well with adequate warmth, which they only get in summer.

Once beans sprout, they require staking or vegetable cages, to keep the plants up off the ground and to maintain good air circulation around their vines.


Water beans with 2 to 3 inches of water immediately after planting; maintain weekly waterings of 2 to 3 inches of water per week. Beans like consistently moist soil for sprouting and growing.


Once a bean plant sprouts, it requires good protection. Deer and rabbits love to dine on bean and pea plants, so put beans in a fenced garden if you're planting them outdoors. Pests like slugs and beetles necessitate the use of chemical or natural pesticides.

Tags: Plant beans, Beans like, Beans popular, beans require, inches water, soil that