Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Make Homemade Chocolate Shell Ice Cream Topping

Experiment with different types of chocolate.

Pouring melted chocolate over ice cream -- as tasty as it may sound -- will result in a thick topping that you'll need a chisel to break apart. However, you can combine your favorite milk, dark or white chocolate with a little fat to make an ice cream topping that hardens into a delicious, breakable shell. Even better, you can prepare your homemade ice cream shell topping without artificial flavors and colors.


1. Bring the water to a simmer in the bottom of your double boiler.

2. Melt the butter in the top of the double boiler. Use about 1 tbsp. butter per serving.

3. Add 1/4 cup chocolate per serving to the melted butter. Use chocolate chips, chunks or broken chocolate bar pieces.

4. Stir the mixture constantly as the chocolate slowly melts into the butter. Don't let the mixture simmer or boil.

5. Use the homemade topping as soon as the mixture is completely smooth -- it will begin to harden instantly. Keep the remaining sauce on low heat in case anyone wants seconds.

Tags: double boiler, topping that