Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Present A Very Simple Fruit Tray

Keep your fruit display simple and eye-catching.

Instead of picking up a fruit tray from the grocery store, make your own. Fruit trays do not have to be elaborate sculptures. They can consist of finger foods for your guests' enjoyment. Add the fresh fruits you love, while using trays you have in your kitchen cabinet. Arrange the fruit by color or size as you build variety. Surround the tray with different types of fruit dips to create a tasty fruit tray that is pleasing to the eye.


1. Cut watermelon, cantaloupe and green honeydew melon in half, and clean out the seeds. Slice the fruit. Pile the fruit slices on the tray with the rind facing the lip of the tray. Create three natural barriers by putting equal distance between the fruit varieties.

2. Remove the stem from the strawberries. Rinse the strawberries under cool water and pat them dry. Snip the ends off. Arrange them between the melon and cantaloupe slices.

3. Rinse the blueberries. Dry them off, and stack them between the watermelon and cantaloupe slices.

4. Peel and core the apples. Slice them lengthwise. Position them between the watermelon and honeydew melon slices.

5. Clean the grapes. Position them in the center of the display.

6. Surround the display with dips. Choose powder or granulated sugar for the strawberries or caramel for the apples. Add a bowl of whipped cream.

Tags: them between, between watermelon, cantaloupe slices, fruit tray, honeydew melon, Position them