Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make A Pickle Glow

Pickles can glow pink, purple, red and yellow, depending on the type of salt ions used during the pickling process.

If you are looking for a science experiment to perform for your classroom or you are looking for a science experiment to present at a science fair, the glowing pickle experiment might be one for you to consider. Pickles are packed in salt water (which is made up of sodium ions). Once an electric current is passed through a pickle, it will emit a yellow glow because sodium ions are good conductors of electricity.


1. Remove the female plug from the extension cord.

2. Strip the ends of the extension cord.

3. Place the pickle on the light bulb holder.

4. Connect one wire from the stripped extension cord to the light bulb socket. Connect the other wire from the stripped extension cord to the 7-inch tungsten electrode using the alligator clip. Do not insert the electrode more than three-fourths the length of the pickle, because you do not want the electrode to touch the metal base of the light bulb holder. Make sure the extension cord is connected to a Variac.

5. Turn the Variac to full power. The pickle should glow for up to a minute.

Tags: extension cord, light bulb, bulb holder, from stripped, from stripped extension, light bulb holder, looking science