Thursday, August 23, 2012

Roast Little Potatoes

New potatoes are typically available in early summer.

Little potatoes are the new potatoes from the beginning of the season. These potatoes have tender skin and flesh as they haven't developed to their mature size yet. New potatoes range in size from an 1 to 3 inches in diameter but are generally available when they are the size of a gold ball. Roasting brings out the flavor and texture of the potatoes. These little potatoes have a thin skin so they typically are served unpeeled, but you can peel them first if you prefer.


1. Wash the potatoes under running water. Scrub the dirt from them with a vegetable brush. Little new potatoes have a thin skin, so avoid over scrubbing as it removes the skin.

2. Spray a roasting pan with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange the potatoes in the pan in a single layer.

3. Spear each potato with a skewer or the tines of a fork. The holes allow steam to escape so the potatoes don't crack or burst during baking.

4. Drizzle 1 to 2 tbsp. of olive oil over the top of the potatoes. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top the potatoes to taste.

5. Place the potatoes in an oven preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Roast the potatoes for 45 minutes.

6. Insert a skewer into the center of one potato. If the skewer enters easily, the potatoes are tender and ready to serve. If the potato is still hard, roast for an additional 10 minutes or until tender.

Tags: potatoes have, have thin, have thin skin, Little potatoes, potatoes have thin