Thursday, November 11, 2010

Store Coffee

If you want to make the best coffee, proper storage is crucial. Here's store it so you can have a great tasting cup of coffee whenever you want.


1. Consider purchasing whole bean coffee. Ground coffee is very convenient, however it tends to lose its flavor more easily than whole beans coffee. Consequently, ground coffee doesn't stay fresh as long as coffee beans.

2. Keep your coffee in its valve-sealed or vacuum-sealed package if you don't open it right away. However, once coffee is opened, you'll need a special container for optimal storage. Repackage any coffee that comes in a paper bag.

3. Store your coffee purchase in an airtight container that has a rubber or a silicone seal. You'll find airtight coffee canisters made out of glass, metal or plastic. Airtight containers keep air and moisture out of your coffee, and this is important in coffee storage.

4. Decide where you are going to place your coffee. Whether you decided to use an airtight container or the original packaging, it's important to keep your coffee in a dark and cool location. Heat and light will destroy the flavor of your coffee, so always store it in a cabinet or in your pantry, away from sunlight and heat.

5. Use your freezer for long term storage to keep your coffee from getting stale. However, freezer storage is not recommended unless you need to store coffee for a longer period of time. Put your coffee in airtight bags if you decide to keep it in the freezer.

Tags: your coffee, airtight container, keep your, keep your coffee