Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Make A Dip Machine

Construct a dip machine with metal pipe or tubing.

In essence, dips are extremely low angle push-ups that work the triceps, chest, back and abdomen. Like push-ups and pull-ups, dips do not require weights. Dips are body weight lifts. Unlike push-ups -- more like pull-ups -- the feet do not touch the ground during the exercise. You can buy a dip machine, but you can also make your own much more cheaply. No cuts are required. Making a dip machine simply involves screwing together threaded pieces of pipe.


1. Thread elbows on both ends of one 24-inch pipe. Point both elbows in the same direction. Thread the two 36-inch pipes to the elbows. Thread a coupler to one of the 36-inch pipes. Thread the 1 1/2-inch nipple into the coupler. Thread an elbow onto the coupler's nipple.This is the first leg. Set it aside.

2. Thread an elbow to each end of another 24-inch pipe, again, both pointing in the same direction. Thread a 24-inch pipe to each of the elbows. Thread a tee to each of the two 24-inch pipes. Point the legs of the tees toward one another. Thread the 18-inch pipe into the leg of one of the tees. Thread a union to the 18-inch pipe. Thread the 5-inch pipe to the leg of the other tee. Attach these two pipes with a union. Thread the 12-inch pipes into the unattached arms of the tees. Thread elbows to the pipes and turn them to 90 degrees in relation to the elbows at the other end of the legs.

3. Thread a 24-inch pipe to the first leg on the coupler side. Screw the other end of the 24-inch pipe into the corresponding side of leg No. 2. Thread the last 24-inch pipe to the second leg. Thread an elbow onto the end and the 2-inch nipple into the elbow. Attach the pipe to the union on the first leg.

Tags: 24-inch pipe, Thread elbow, 18-inch pipe, 2-inch nipple, 2-inch nipple into