Monday, February 20, 2012

Keep Food Warm While Transporting

Learn transport a hot food dish so it arrives fresh.

Whether it's the middle of summer or dead of winter, occasions arise all year to bring hot meals to picnics, pot lucks and parties. Yet, keeping a lasagna hot or a baked casserole warm can be a challenge if you have to drive the food across town to its final destination. If you're signed up to bring a hot dish to an event or party, there are a few simple tips you can follow to have it arrive fresh, piping hot and ready to eat when served.


1. Bake your dish in a glass pan, as glass is a better insulator than metal. Wrap three bricks in heavy duty aluminum foil and bake them in the oven along with your dish. Remove the dish and bricks carefully from the oven. Cover the pan with a tight-fitting plastic or glass lid or wrap it in aluminum foil if you do not have a lid that fits the pan.

2. Wrap the covered glass dish containing your hot food in two or three layers of thick cotton hand towels.

3. Set the foil-wrapped bricks along the bottom of a towel-lined portable food cooler. Place the towel-wrapped covered dish on top of the bricks. Close the cooler, place it on the floor of your car, and drive to your destination. Keep the dish inside the closed cooler until you are ready to serve the dish.

Tags: aluminum foil, dish bricks, your dish