Monday, September 26, 2011

Make A Turkey Pot Roast

Make a Turkey Pot Roast

Turkey pot roast is a great meal to serve for the whole family. When you cook the meat and vegetables all together in the crock pot, you get an variety of flavors. This is also easy for a family who works all day and can come home to a wonderful home cooked meal. Bring this to a special gathering or serve it at home for everybody to enjoy.


1. Spray the inside of your crock pot with some nonstick spray. Season the turkey with a little bit of salt and pepper.

2. Put our turkey in a large skillet with some olive oil. Brown the turkey until it turns a golden brown.

3. Add your turkey to the crock pot once you have browned it. Then add your vegetables, basil and broth.

4. Cook the turkey and the vegetables on low for about 7 to 9 hours. It will be done when the meat and vegetables are tender.

5. Serve the meat with a side of the vegetables for everybody to enjoy. Add some dinner rolls or some bread and butter for extra taste and delight!

Tags: everybody enjoy, Make Turkey, Make Turkey Roast, meat vegetables, with some