Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cook Corn Grits

Grits are the product of grinding dried white corn.

Grits are dried corn that has been ground into small pieces. It is similar to Italian polenta, except that grits are usually made from white corn, while polenta is made from yellow corn. Hominy grits are slightly different, made from dent corn soaked in lye water to remove the bran. Hominy grits have a different flavor and a creamier texture than regular grits. Stone ground regular grits are simple to make and go well with just about any main dish.


1. Place water in a heavy-bottom saucepan and bring to a boil.

2. Stir in the grits and salt. Turn down the heat to medium low and cook the grits for 20 to 25 minutes.

3. Stir the grits occasionally with a wooden spoon while cooking to keep them from clumping together.

4. Stir more often as the grits near the end of the cooking time. Judge the consistency of the grits to determine when they are done to your preference. Take the grits off the stove when they are the desired consistency. If they get too thick, add a little water or milk.

5. Stir in butter and serve hot. This quantity shoud make six portions.

Tags: made from, Hominy grits, regular grits, Stir grits, when they, white corn