Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sweet Potato Nutritional Information

Sweet Potato Nutritional Information

Sweet potatoes provide an excellent alternative to the regular potato. And it's just as versatile. You can fry, bake and even boil sweet potatoes. It also adds a nutrient boost.

Baked Sweet Potatoes

One serving of baked sweet potatoes contains 90 calories. Each serving size is ½ cup.

Sweet Potatoes with the Skin

One baked medium sweet potato in skin (3 ½ ounces) contains 103 calories, containing almost 4 g of fiber per serving, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database.

Vitamin A

It also contains twice the recommended daily amount of vitamin A per serving. The source of vitamin A is beta carotene, which may reduce the risk of cancer.

Vitamin C

The sweet potato also provides a good amount of the antioxidant vitamin C. You can find 22 mg of vitamin C in a medium-sized baked sweet potato.


Iron can also be found in sweet potatoes. Each serving has 0.8 mg of iron, a mineral required for red blood cells.

Tags: contains calories, Each serving, Nutritional Information, Potato Nutritional, Potato Nutritional Information