Monday, October 1, 2012

Cook With Paraffin Wax

Cook With Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax is used in many different ways of cooking. It is a chemical preserver that can make foods last longer and prevent spoil. It is used with fruits, vegetables, desserts and candies. All cooking with paraffin entails is melting the wax and incorporating it with other ingredients in order to keep certain foods from melting at room temperature. It also gives a textured, shiny appearance to other foods.


1. Heat up a double boiler by filling the bottom pot with water half way. Then insert the top pot into the bottom one so that it is barely touching the water. Turn the stove on to medium high heat.

2. Turn the double boiler down to medium low once the water is boiling.

3. Add the paraffin wax in the amount you need. If you are using it to add to melted chocolate, usually 1 tbsp. per 2 1/2 cups of chocolate will suffice. If you are using the wax to glaze over fruit, vegetables or candies, a much smaller amount is used. Use the ratio of 1 tbsp. per 3 cups of fruit or vegetables, and 1 tsp. per 2 cups of candies.

4. Use the wooden spoon to continuously stir the paraffin wax while it melts. Keep in mind that paraffin wax becomes flammable when overheated. Stir gently and heat slowly until it has all just become melted.

5. Add the chocolate or candy ingredients once the paraffin is melted and continue to heat slowly. Paraffin gives candy and chocolate a shiny, pristine finish. It can also help the chocolate to stay solid and not melt at room temperatures.

6. Add the specific ingredients you are using to the melted paraffin wax still if it does not have to do with making candy or chocolate. It can be mixed with sugar, a little alcohol, spices, syrups, and other baking ingredients to become glazes for fruits, cakes and pies. Mixing equal parts melted paraffin with other ingredients is the most common way to use it. The point of paraffin is to prolong the life of some foods, so glazing vegetables or meats with it is common.

7. Use the paraffin wax in the canning process for vegetables and fruits. It can be purchased in bulk amounts and you can can your produce in season to use for the next season.

Tags: candy chocolate, Cook With, Cook With Paraffin, double boiler, fruit vegetables, heat slowly, melted chocolate