Friday, August 2, 2013

Make Chicken Mixed Green Salad With Italian Avacado Dressing

A chicken and mixed green salad with Italian avocado dressing is a healthy treat that can be served either as an appetizer or a main dish. It is quick and easy to make, and will have you begging for more.


Chicken Mixed Green Salad with Italian Avacado Dressing

1. Place skillet on stovetop on medium heat. Add olive oil to pan. Place chicken in pan and cook for five to six minutes on each side, lightly browning each side. Set aside.

2. Empty mixed greens into salad bowl. Slice onion into thin strips and slice the tomatoes in half. Drop evenly over mixed greens. Slice chicken into thin strips and place it on top of the salad.

3. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop the flesh of avocado out and into a blender. Pour Italian dressing into blender. Blend mixture until the dressing is smooth. Pour evenly over salad.

4. Sprinkle dried cranberries over the salad. Scoop into bowls and serve.

Tags: Avacado Dressing, Chicken Mixed, each side, evenly over, into blender, into thin