Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Use Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a green that is easily grown in the backyard garden. Chard is low in calories but delivers large amounts of vitamins A and C to a person's diet, along with contributing iron, Vitamin K and antioxidants. Chard can be found with white stems or red, yellow and orange stems, making a colorful addition to the garden.


1. Cut the Swiss chard low on the stem, near the ground. Soak chard in a large bowl with warm water and a quarter cup of salt. Swish the chard in the water, rinse and repeat to remove dirt.

2. Saute chard in olive oil over medium-low heat. Add a handful of greens at a time, allowing greens to wilt before adding another handful. Add a small amount of water and cover. Simmer over low heat for 5 to 15 minutes until tender.

3. Substitute Swiss chard for spinach in vegetable lasagna. In fact, Swiss chard can take the place of spinach in any recipe.

4. Wrap Swiss chard leaves around a Spanish rice mixture and bake in the oven on medium heat for a twist on the typical cabbage roll.

5. Add steamed Swiss chard to pasta for a tasty and nutritious side dish. Steamed chard is also an excellent additional to an omelet.

6. Swiss chard can be used raw as a salad green topped with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Tags: Swiss chard