Monday, March 16, 2009

Can Dogs Eat Salted In The Shell Peanuts

A dog licks her lips in anticipation of a treat.

Peanut butter, peanut oil and whole peanuts are staples of many dog treats and food flavorings. Salted in the shell peanuts are a human snack and may potentially cause problems for the discriminating peanut connoisseur canine in your life.


The rough exterior shell of a peanut serves as a barrier to protect the seeds during development. The seeds are eaten as a food or processed to make condiments, oils and sandwich spreads.


Peanuts salted in the shell are soaked for a period of time in a salt water solution. The peanuts are then roasted to dry.


Dogs should not be allowed to eat peanuts with their shell still intact, according to the "Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook." The outer layer is comprised of a high amount of fiber, and is extremely difficult for the dog's body to digest.


Dogs, like humans, can develop allergies from repeated peanut exposure. The effects of a peanut allergy in canines can be just as devastating as an allergy in humans, according to the "The Allergy Solution for Dogs."


There is also a chance that the shells harbor a variety of mold called Aspergillus flavus. This mold produces an extremely toxic substance called aflatoxin.
