Friday, June 8, 2012

The Shelf Life Of Condiments

Expiration Dates Versus Best Used by Dates of Condiments

Condiments, like many other packaged foods, are either labeled with expiration dates or "best-used-by" dates. Expiration dates include "use-by" dates and should not be confused with "best-if-used-by" dates. Expiration dates determine the safe use of the product and the product should not be used past the date displayed. "Best-used-by" dates or "sell-by" dates are designed for quality assurance and do not relate to safe consumption of the product. Most condiment staples like ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise display "best-used-by" dates. Although using the product past the date will not affect its safe use, age can compromise the flavor of condiments.

Storage and Labeling of Condiments

Most condiments can be stored unopened in a pantry or cupboards that promote a cool/room temperature and dark environment. The labels of condiments provide information on storage options after the container is opened. For example, some condiments, like ketchup, steak sauces and hot sauces, may not require refrigeration after opening. Others, such as mayonnaise and salsa, require refrigeration after opening. Labeling may also reveal that although refrigeration is not required, it may promote the longevity of the product.

After Opening

Once any jar or can of condiments are opened, the shelf life decreases significantly. The expiration and "best-used-by" dates are labeled for the intent of unopened storage of the product. There is usually no other information of the product suggesting how long it will last after its been opened. Some condiments can last several months after being opened, while other should be used within a couple of weeks, depending on the type of condiment and its ingredients.

Purchasing and Storing Condiments

Clean out the refrigerator and cupboards every couple of months---condiment shelves have a way of cluttering both. Check the expiration or "best-used-by" dates and measure that against how much you have used or are planning to use the product in the coming weeks. If the product has expired, discard it. The next time you purchase the condiment, buy a smaller container. Reverse this procedure if you're having to buy a certain condiment every time you go shopping. Don't get lured into the coupons or money saving 10-for-$10 deals. If you have to throw product out, you didn't save any money. If you come across a certain condiment you have not used in quite a while and are unsure of its expiration date or its quality and safety, discard it. The simple rule is: "When it doubt, throw it out."

Tags: best-used-by dates, after opening, certain condiment, dates Expiration, dates Expiration dates, expiration best-used-by