Friday, May 17, 2013

Avoid Gas With Salads

Avoid Gas With Salads

You can't open a health magazine or talk with your doctor without hearing how vegetables are important to good health and you should eat more of them. Vegetables are a good source of many vitamins and minerals. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber. They give your body many nutrients that it needs for good health.

A green salad with many different vegetables mixed in is a perfect way to increase your vegetable intake. There's just one problem. Many types of vegetables give people gas after a meal, and that's unpleasant.

Fortunately, you can prevent salads from giving you gas.


Prevent Gas

1. Take a daily probiotic supplement. Probiotics deliver friendly bacteria to your intestine where digestion takes place. These bacteria help your body to better break down foods, which can reduce the amount of gas you experience. In a review of studies published in the September 2009 issue of Nursing Standard, author Jocelyn Gage discusses the growing number of studies showing that the use of probiotics can promote better digestion and relieve discomfort.

2. Take an enzyme supplement directly before a meal that includes a salad or other vegetables that cause you gas. Most gas is triggered by complex sugars contained in vegetables and beans. The right kinds of enzymes break down these sugars more completely, reducing gas. For these enzymes to be effective, you have to take them before you begin eating. There are many over-the-counter enzyme supplements that help break down the sugars in question. The most popular supplement of this type is Bean-o.

3. Chew your food more thoroughly. Digestion begins with chewing, and poor chewing habits can lead to more problems with gas. Try setting down your fork between bites. This small change can extend the amount of time that you chew. Don't take your next bite until you've finished the bite that's in your mouth.

Tags: break down, Avoid With, Avoid With Salads, good health, meal that