Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Make Honey Mustard Sauce With Catsup

Pork sausage is delicious when stir-fried with honey mustard sauce.

Catsup, or ketchup, is a very versatile ingredient when making sauces, condiments and glazes. Its strong tomato base is ideal for assimilating other flavors to give extra piquancy to many dishes. A really good combination of flavors is catsup, honey and mustard. This honey mustard sauce is excellent for barbecues, stir-fries, as a glaze for roast ham, pork or duck, or as an accompaniment to any roasted meat. It also makes a tasty chicken marinade.


1. Mix all ingredients in a heavy-based pan over very low heat. Whisk well. The sauce only requires slight warming for the ingredients to blend together. Remove from heat once the sauce reaches blood temperature. Put to one side until you are ready to use it.

2. Adjust ingredients to taste. If you prefer a zingy sauce, add a little extra balsamic. If you would like a sweeter sauce, add a little more honey. For a hot sauce add a drop or two of Tabasco.

3. Partially grill or roast the meat, then brush the sauce on during the final 15 minutes of cooking. Alternatively serve the sauce in a bowl with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro.

Tags: honey mustard, mustard sauce, sauce little