Friday, August 5, 2011

The Best Way To Drink Bourbon

Bourbon can range from mellow and smooth to harsh and biting in taste. As an alcoholic spirit, it is a product where you do get what you pay for. The key to good bourbon is the aging process; the longer it ages the better the drink. Inexpensive bourbons may be aged for only 2 years, while the more expensive may be aged 20 years or longer. The best way to drink bourbon is highly subjective and depends on your own personal tastes and how much of the flavor you want.


1. Try it in a shot glass first. Pour approximately 1 ounce of bourbon into the glass and drink it. This will help you determine how mellow and smooth the bourbon is.

2. Pour an ounce of bourbon over ice into a shallow glass. Sip as desired.

3. Mix an ounce of bourbon with clear, cold spring or branch water. Bourbon and branch is a popular drink in some parts of the south and southwest.

4. Mix bourbon and flavored soda together to taste. Using cola or a lemon lime soda can help mask the taste of harsh bourbon.

5. Use bourbon in any drink recipe calling for whiskey. Even the worst bourbon is smoother than many whiskeys in taste.

Tags: ounce bourbon, mellow smooth