Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halve A Duck

Duck halves are ideal for one- and two-person meals.

Duck halves are ideal for cooking small meals. The halves are also called for in numerous recipes that use the duck as an ingredient in a larger dish. Halving the duck may be accomplished using a variety of techniques and the process is finished in several minutes or less. Halve the fresh duck before it is frozen to ensure you will not defrost an entire bird without need. The halves are convenient and useful in numerous different recipes.


1. Place the whole duck on a cutting board with the breast making contact with the board. Use your fingers to locate the spine on the back of the bird. The spine is a hard bone that runs down the entire back.

2. Choose one side of the spine and insert a sharp knife through the bird. Maintain pressure on the knife to keep it against the spine as you cut from the top to the bottom of the duck. Work the knife blade alongside the bone but do not cut through the bone. This will cause splintering.

3. Use your hands to pull the two halves apart. Use as much force as necessary and use the knife to separate any stubborn tissue that will not separate by hand. The typical bird will separate easily.

4. Run your fingers along the spine area on both halves and feel for bone splinters. Use the knife to cut the splinters away from the bird. Place each halve in a separate freezer bag and freeze the bird.

Tags: Duck halves, Duck halves ideal, halves ideal, will separate, your fingers