Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tips On Frying Wings

Buffalo sauce is a common topping for fried chicken wings.

Fried chicken wings are appetizers that may be plain, breaded or tossed in sauce. Chicken wings are the wing portion of a chicken. However, the term chicken wings can also mean a combination of fried chicken wings and drumsticks, which is how restaurants typically serve the dish. Cooked properly, the meat of fried chicken wings is moist and the skin is crispy. The meat should come off the bone without difficulty.

Marinade and Seasoning

Before cooking, marinate the wings and drumsticks in the same sauce that is going on the chicken after cooking. This will ensure that the flavor is throughout the wings. Some wings, such as Chinese chicken wings, will not have sauce but do need marinade. Use sauces that match the cuisine, such as ginger and soy sauce for Chinese chicken wings. For breaded and fried chicken wings, season the flour and batter with salt and pepper. Otherwise, the batter will be bland.

Par Bake the Chicken

Par baking chicken wings ahead of time will speed up the frying process and make sure the chicken cooks fully without burning the outside. Cook the wings in a preheated oven at 400 degrees until they reach an internal temperature of 250 degrees. Spread the wings out in a single layer so they all reach the same temperature. Do not do this for breaded chicken wings. The breading will not hold up to that much handling and flour will not stick to par baked chicken.

Preheat the Oil

Never put chicken wings in frying oil that is not preheated. It should be at least 350 degrees and no more than 400 degrees. Oil that is too hot will burn the chicken on the outside and leave it raw in the middle. Cool oil will leave the chicken marinating in frying oil until the oil heats up. The chicken will come out greasy and tough this way. Breading will fall off chicken in cool oil and will burn in oil that is too hot.

Drain Excess Oil Before Adding Sauce

When the chicken wings are done frying, remove them from the oil and place them on an absorbent surface to drain, such as a paper bag, cardboard or a paper plate. Allow the oil to drain for a minute or two before coating the wings with sauce. This will help the wings dry out and, therefore, absorb more sauce. It will also keep the sauce from being too greasy.

Tags: chicken wings, chicken wings, fried chicken, fried chicken wings, Chinese chicken, Chinese chicken wings