Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Package Deer Meat

Hunters often bring home more than just the bacon; many come home with a whole deer. According to the North American Pronghorn Foundation in Wyoming, the average adult male deer can weigh up to 168 pounds, producing enough meat to feed a family for some time. If you are dealing with fresh deer meat and are not sure store it safely for later consumption, cool the meat first, and then package it properly and freeze it.


1. Fill a cooler about halfway with ice cubes. Place the deer meat into freezer bags and place the bags into the cooler; cover the meat with ice. Keep the meat on ice until it is properly chilled; the time it takes for the meat to chill will depend on the freshness and size of the meat cuts.

2. Remove the meat from the cooler and from the bags. Lay the meat in the center of a piece of freezer paper; the paper must be large enough to wrap around the meat piece on all sides.

3. Pull the edges of the freezer paper together over top of the meat, so that they form a little triangular shape above the meat. Fold the edges over each other at least twice, and then flatten the edges against the meat.

4. Smooth the freezer paper over all sides of the meat to push all air out; excess air can lead to faster spoiling or freezer burn.

5. Fold both remaining edges of the freezer paper into triangles; fold the tip of each triangle down towards the meat to prevent more air from entering.

6. Wrap the triangular edges of the paper under the meat block. Seal the triangles to the bottom of the wrapping with freezer tape. Seal any other loose areas with freezer tape as well.

7. Label each piece of meat with its contents and the date on which it was wrapped. This will help you to keep track of which meat to use sooner rather than later.

Tags: freezer paper, deer meat, edges freezer, edges freezer paper, freezer tape, meat with