Friday, February 25, 2011

Use Bouillon

Bouillon is used in chicken dishes and serves as a base for soup. Even great gravies can be made with a bouillon base and it can enhance almost any recipe. Bouillon is also great as a substitute for "Mother's chicken soup" when you don't have the time to start from scratch.


1. Purchase bouillon from the supermarket. Find it in the soup aisle. There are generally two kinds: beef and chicken.

2. Start making the bouillon according to the directions on the package. Boil water, then drop the cube in the water until it dissolves.

3. Drink bouillon to help cure a sore throat or a cold. It also warms you up on a cold day. Add rice or noodles to make it heartier.

4. Prepare soup by adding ingredients to the bouillon. Chicken or beef, vegetables and potatoes make a tasty soup. Be creative using spices instead of salt.

5. Use bouillon as a base for beef or chicken gravy. Just thicken it with cornstarch or flour until you get the desired consistency.

Tags: beef chicken, bouillon base