Monday, September 9, 2013

Use A Chef'S Knife

The chef's knife is typically the largest knife in the kitchen. Usually eight to 10 inches long, the chef's knife is so versatile that you don't actually need any other type of knife. Made from stainless steel or carbon steel, there are many sizes and types of chef's knives to choose from. Find the knife that suits you. Follow these steps to learn use it.


1. Visit a kitchenwares store and try out several chef's knives to find the one that feels most comfortable in your hand. Purchase the knife you like.

2. Grip the chef's knife in your dominant hand with all fingers on the handle of the knife.

3. Curl the fingers of your other hand under to the first knuckle with the thumb and little finger behind the other fingers. This position will serve as the stabilizer and guide while you are using the chef's knife.

4. Place the blade of the chef's knife against the curled fingers of the other hand and begin chopping with a rocking motion.

5. Keep the blade of the chef's knife in contact with the cutting surface at all times and chop with the back portion of the blade and not the tip.

Tags: chef knife, chef knife, blade chef, chef knives, other hand