Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Make A Trifold Omelette

Ingredients sometimes spill out the side of a half folded omelette.

The Italians have the round frittata, Americans prefer the half circle folded variety and the French have the tri-folded or rolled omelette. While the ingredients do not change, the tri- fold omelette allows ample space for abundant omelette fillings without spilling over the side like a half-fold omelette. The edges are carefully wrapped around the ingredients like a warm embrace to make the elegant omelette.


1. Pour the egg mixture into a hot skillet.

2. Flip the omelette over using the spatula or by flicking the pan if you are able once the eggs are almost cooked all the way through to the top. You can poke holes in the omelette or run the spatula along the edges enough to let the uncooked egg to the bottom of the pan to speed up the process and avoid burning one side.

3. Add the omelette filling in a straight line from the top of the circle to the bottom.

4. Use the spatula to fold 1/3 of the omelette over the ingredients and then fold the other third over the first fold.

5. Put the spatula underneath the middle of the omelette and transfer it to a plate, flipping it and placing the folded side on the plate.

Tags: fold omelette, omelette over