Thursday, January 13, 2011

Grill With Your Oven


1. Move the oven rack to the highest position in the oven. Preheat the oven to its highest possible temperature (usually between 500 and 550 degrees Fahrenheit). Preheating the oven will allow it to grow hot enough to really sear the food. Slide a cast-iron skillet or grill pan onto the oven rack and let it rest in the oven while it's preheating.

2. Take the food out of the refrigerator and prepare it in the same manner as you would if you were grilling in the traditional sense. Apply sauces and rubs to the meats and allow them to come to room temperature. Marinate the vegetables. Coat leaner cuts of poultry and fish with oil to keep them from sticking to the pan.

3. Turn the oven to broil after it has preheated completely. Place the food in the preheated skillet.

4. Allow the items to broil until cooked; flip the food halfway through the cooking time. Times will vary based on the food. Fish and vegetables will take two to five minutes to cook all the way through. Poultry generally takes five to 10 minutes, while beef takes about 10 minutes. Check the meat with a meat thermometer about five minutes in to see how quickly it is cooking, and remove it from the oven when it has reached the desired internal temperature.

5. Remove the entire pan from the oven and turn off the heat. Take the meat out of the skillet, allow it to rest for five to 10 minutes, and serve.

Tags: five minutes, from oven, oven rack