Monday, June 28, 2010

Make The Line Move Faster At Starbucks

It has happened to all of us. We find ourselves standing in a line at Starbucks behind a person who does not know what drink they want, changes his order several times or doesn't have their money ready to pay. This kind of customer can make standing in line at Starbucks frustrating and it can hold up the line. If you want to do your part to help the line move faster at Starbucks, follow these simple steps.


1. Familiarize yourself with the Starbucks menu so you will know ahead of time what you want to order. You can review the menu online on the Starbucks website. (See link in Resources.) If you know what you want ahead of time, you won't waste time in the line trying to make up your mind.

2. Determine the size of the drink you want to order. At Starbucks, you can order drinks in three sizes: tall, grande and venti. These sizes are the equivalents of small, medium and large. Make your decision before you reach the front of the line. The barista can't begin to make your drink order until they know the size drink you wish to have.

3. Decide if you would like any modifiers for your Starbucks drink. Some modifiers include decaf coffee, extra whip, soy milk or syrups. Figure out exactly what you want before you have to place your order, to save time in the line.

4. Pay attention while you are in the Starbucks line. This way, you will be able to order your Starbucks drink immediately when the barista calls for you to order. You don't want to be distracted or gazing off in another direction because this can hinder the movement of the line.

5. Speak clearly when you place your order so you don't have to repeat yourself. If you speak clearly and loudly the first time you state your order to the barista, the barista will not only get your order correct the first time, but you won't have to repeat yourself. When you have to repeat your order, the movement of the line slows.

6. Have your money ready to pay for your drink. Figure what your drink will cost and have the money in your hand to pay for your drink. Fishing through your pocketbook or your wallet for money will only slow down the line.

Tags: your order, your drink, have repeat, what want, ahead time