Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Use Lava Rock In Costume & Jewelry

Lava rocks form from hardened magma after a volcanic eruption.

Lava rock is formed from molten rock being spewed up to the surface by a volcano. Lava rock beads are gaining popularity for necklaces and bracelets, due to their unusual appearance and texture. Lava beads are commonly associated with stability, anger dissipation and recovery from change.


1. Measure your neck, wrist or ankle to determine the most comfortable size for the jewelry.

2. Multiply the measurement by two and cut out that amount of bead thread. Fold the thread in half with one end of the jewelry clasp at the middle point. This double strand will give the bracelet extra strength and longevity.

3. Start stringing the beads onto the double strand, alternating between the lava beads and the spacer beads.

4. Tie the other end of the jewelry clasp to the end of the bracelet thread, once you reach the last inch. The sturdiest tie for the clasp is a simple square knot.

Tags: double strand, jewelry clasp, Lava rock