Friday, August 7, 2009

Cut Up An Ugli Fruit

Start with a sharp knife and clean work surface.

Ugli fruit, native to Jamaica, is also known as uniq or unique fruit. The name of the fruit comes from the unattractive pock-marked thick skin that ranges in color from pale green to dark orange. It is similar in size to a grapefruit and shaped like a pear. Serve exotic ugli fruit in place of other citrus fruits in dishes, such as fruit cocktail or a baby spinach salad, for an interesting change of ingredients.


1. Choose a fruit that is heavy -- indicating the inner segments are juicy -- with both ends intact. Press the pad of your thumb or forefinger into the skin and, if it bounces back, the fruit is fresh; color is irrelevant as the fruit will inevitably appear unattractive.

2. Wash the ugli fruit under hot water to remove any dirt. Do not wash the fruit until you are ready to cut it open.

3. Position the fruit with the stem pointing up so that it is sitting on the blossom bottom. Cut down through the center of the fruit, from the top to the bottom, to divide it into two equal portions.

4. Peel the outer skin away from the inner citrus segments; this should peel off with little effort. Pull the individual segments apart as you would with other types of citrus, including oranges and tangerines. Serve immediately or cut the segments into bite-size quarters.
