Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sandwiches To Go Along With Chicken Noodle Soup

A bowel of soup needs a sandwich by its side.

Chicken noodle soup provides benefits beyond just tasting good. Chicken, and other ingredients found in chicken noodle soup, such as onions and carrots, act as productive cough agents and offer antioxidants, according to Dr. R.A Rennard of the University of Nebraska Health Center. But you don't have to be sick to enjoy chicken noodle soup. Simply pair a creative sandwich with your steaming bowl of goodness to please your taste buds and immune system.

Turkey and Cheese

Toast two slices of whole wheat bread and spread honey Dijon mustard on each piece. Add your choice of cheese and three or four slices of turkey. Grill the sandwich for an extra boost of warmth or pile on veggies you could potentially dip in the soup, like tomato slices.

Apple and Ham

Combine several thin slices of green apple with a few pieces of ham for tart and savory sandwich combination. Slather each piece of bread with low-fat sour cream or light mayo to secure the items inside the sandwich. Add a slice or two of cheese if you like, or stick with just the apples and ham.

Veggie Delight

For those who prefer chicken in their soup, not their sandwiches, the veggie delight is a flavorful and healthy choice. Spread pesto mayonnaise on both pieces of bread and add two slices of the same cheese or two different varieties for a greater flavor explosion. Place green veggies like avocado slices, baby spinach and kale on top for a green-themed addition to your chicken noodle soup.

Roast Beef & Onion

Spread barbecue sauce on each piece of bread and lay down several slices of roast beef. Sautee or grill 1/4 cup of sliced onion rings and place them on top of the beef. For an extra serious sandwich, place two slices of cheese on either side of the roast beef and onions and grill or fry the entire sandwich.

Tags: noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, each piece, chicken noodle, each piece bread, piece bread