Thursday, July 21, 2011

Make Gruyere Cheese

You don't have to live in France or Switzerland to make the nutty-flavored mountain cheese, Gruyere. But you will need space, time and patience.


1. Pour milk into vat, cover and heat to 90 to 95 degrees F for 45 to 60 minutes on top of the stove.

2. Add cultures and then rennet to the heated milk to begin the curdling process.

3. Test the coagulant by one of the following three methods: pull the edge back from the wall of the vat; press your finger into the mixture for the proper stiffness; or split the curds with your fingers. It should be soft-set.

4. Whisk the mixture to warm the top.

5. Cut curds into 1-inch slices, both horizontally and vertically, wait five minutes and cut into smaller pieces. This process should continue for 10 minutes.

6. Mix curds to prevent whey from burning.

7. Scald mixture until it has a dry, stretchy texture.

8. Drain the whey from the mixture.

9. Put the solids that remain into a large cheesecloth bag and press to remove any remaining whey from the curds. This will compress the curds.

10. Transfer to the curds to a large, round big mold and place a weight on top of it for 18 to 24 hours, gradually adding more weight to the top. This will squeeze out additional whey while forcing the cheese to take the mold's shape.

11. Remove cheese from mold and dip it in a salt bath.

12. Store cheese in a climate-controlled room at 54 degrees Fahrenheit.

13. Rub the cheese with salt for two to three days, then let it set for five to 10 months so a rind can form to protect the cheese. The rind should be a dark pink color.

14. Use cheese as appetizer or in recipes as desired.

Tags: whey from, This will