Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Make A Premium Margarita

The signature drink of American-Mexican cuisine is the margarita. This cocktail can be served a number of ways, but the most popular is on the rocks. It's made even better when you use high quality ingredients. Making a premium margarita is as easy as finding great ingredients and blending them in the right way to make the perfect drink.


1. Make the simple syrup. The key to making a truly memorable margarita is to NOT use a premixed sour/margarita mix. This starts by making your own simple syrup. In a small saucepan combine three cups of cold tap water with three cups of granulated sugar over medium high heat. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool to room temperature and store this in an empty clean wine bottle with a stopper that can be used to keep it closed. Store it in a dark, room-temperature environment until needed. This will be good for up to a week.

2. Assemble the glasses. Run a piece of cut lime around the rim of each of the glasses. Once wet, dip each rim into the kosher salt. Fill each glass with ice and set to the side while you prepare the cocktail.

3. Prepare the cocktail. In a medium to large pitcher, combine two parts lime juice, two parts simple syrup, one part triple sec and four parts tequila. Stir with a cocktail spoon until combined.

4. Taste before pouring. If it is too sweet, add a splash more lime juice. Pour the cocktail over the ice in the prepared tumblers and garnish with lime wedges. Serve immediately.

Tags: simple syrup, lime juice, margarita This, three cups