Friday, July 8, 2011

What Is Vita Water

What Is Vita Water?

Vita Enhanced Water is a specially formulated water that was developed to help increase the health benefits of water.


Vitacorp International has developed a "catalyst altered water" formula, for which it claims proprietary rights. Vita Enhanced Water is "wetter" because the "surface tension" of the water molecule has been lowered.

Water's Actions

Vita Enhanced Water creates a better and more efficient nutrient delivery system within the user's body. This allows the body's waste materials to be taken out of the cells in a more efficient way.

Use Instructions

To drink Vita Enhanced Water, mix 1 oz. of Vita Water with 1 gallon of distilled or purified water. To use on the skin, mix 2 oz. of Vita water with 1 gallon of distilled or purified water.


Users should talk to their doctors before using Vita Enhanced Water because of its "wetting-agent" properties. If this water gets into a user's eyes, he can experience eye irritation.


The ingredients of Vita Enhanced Water include purified deionized water, sodium metasilicate, calcium chloride, castor oil and magnesium sulfate.

Tags: Enhanced Water, Vita Enhanced, Vita Enhanced Water, distilled purified, distilled purified water