Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Serve Caviar Correctly

Caviar is an elegant and delicious hors d'oeuvre that is known around the world as a rare delicacy. Because of the high cost of the relatively precious fish eggs, caviar should be served correctly so as not to detract from the subtle taste and delicate texture of the food.


1. Caviar should be kept in the fridge and never in the freezer. Get the caviar ready to serve by taking it out about 15 minutes in advance of serving. Keep the tin or container sealed until the time that you serve the caviar.

2. Place the caviar on ice. To keep the caviar fresh and tasty, you should serve it on a bed of ice. You can leave the caviar in the tin or container it comes in, as this is a common and socially accepted way to serve it. Just place the tin on a bed of crushed ice and put a very small spoon-traditionally made of bone to keep the metallic taste from dominating--beside or in the caviar.

3. Put some bread out. Many people enjoy caviar with some lightly toasted bread. If you serve bread make sure it's soft enough to spread the caviar over. Also, use a high quality baked bread instead of prepared crackers or toast, which are much too dry and crumbly for the caviar.

4. Serve the caviar as is. One of the most common mistakes people make when serving caviar is garnishing the delicacy with a drizzle of lemon or a sprinkle of salt or other seasoning. Caviar should be served plain, without any other seasoning or food to dilute or alter its flavor.

5. Offer some vodka. A small glass of chilled, fine quality vodka is a good addition to any caviar service.

Tags: Caviar should, other seasoning, should served