Monday, May 10, 2010

Sprout And Germinate Wheat Berries

Hard red wheat berries are good for sprouting.

Sprouted wheat berries are a very nutritious food. Sprouts are high in vitamins, minerals and beneficial enzymes. Sprouted wheat berries can be used in salads, as garnishes for sandwiches, or baked into homemade bread. Sprouting, or germinating, wheat berries is easy, and only takes a few days. Large-scale sprouting requires special sprouting devices, but to start sprouting wheat berries at home all you need is some basic kitchen equipment.


Sprouting Wheat Berries

1. Place 1/2 cup wheat berries in the colander or sieve.

2. Rinse the wheat berries in running water for two to three minutes. Shake them gently under the running water so that all the berries are well rinsed.

3. Place the berries in the jar and add 1 1/2 cups clean water.

4. Put the lid on the jar and leave it in a dark place for approximately 12 hours, or overnight.

5. Take the lid off the jar. Secure the piece of cheesecloth or nylon stocking over the mouth of the jar with the elastic band.

6. Drain the water from the jar through the cloth.

7. Refill the jar half-way with water and then drain. Repeat this procedure twice more to rinse the wheat berries.

8. Put the jar on its side in a dark place. Put a plate or plastic container under the jar to catch any drips of water.

9. Rinse the wheat berries as described in Step 7 two or three times per day. Return the jar to a dark place between each rinsing.

10. Check the length of the sprouts every day. When the sprouts are approximately 1 inch long, they are ready to eat.

Tags: wheat berries, wheat berries, dark place, Rinse wheat, Rinse wheat berries, running water, Sprouted wheat