Friday, March 26, 2010

Ingredients For Herbal Flea Dip

Herbal flea dips are safe for pets and humans.

When your dog gets fleas, you need to act fast otherwise your entire home can become infested and getting rid of them will be an uphill battle. Most over-the-counter flea dips use limonenes to get rid of pests, but they often contain chemicals that can be harmful to humans and animals. Using a flea dip with herbal ingredients, including limonenes, is a safe and effective way to get rid of fleas on your dog.


The rinds of citrus fruits contain limonenes, which work by infecting the exoskeleton of fleas. To use limonenes in an herbal flea dip, collect the rinds of four to five citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or limes. Put the rinds in a pot with 6 cups of water. Allow the water to come to a boil, remove the pot from the heat and let the pot sit for at least an hour. Blend the contents in a blender, then strain it to separate pulp and rinds. Pour contents into a spray bottle and mist your pet and pet bedding after bathing and washing. Mist regularly to keep fleas repelled.


The herb rosemary also helps to kill and repel fleas. To make a rosemary flea dip, steep 2 cups of fresh rosemary in 2 pts. of boiling water for at least 30 minutes. Pour the mixture through a strainer to remove the rosemary and debris. After the steeped water is strained, add 1 gallon of warm water. Saturate your dog's fur with this mixture. Do not rinse this mixture, allow it to air dry.

Lavender and Cedarwood

Fleas do not like the smell of lavender or cedarwood essential oil. You can make a dip to repel fleas from these oils. Start with 10 ml of a sweet almond oil as a base and add 10 drops of lavender and five drops of cedarwood essential oils. Mix the ingredients in a glass jar that has a lid. Shake well before using. Rub the mixture over your pet's skin twice weekly.

Pennyroyal and Eucalyptus

Pennyroyal and eucalyptus essential oils also repel fleas. Either of these essential oils can be added to your dog's shampoo to get rid of and repel fleas. Add between three to five drops to 1 cup of shampoo or soap. To apply, wet your dog thoroughly and pour shampoo on and lather well before rinsing it out.

Tags: repel fleas, essential oils, cedarwood essential, citrus fruits, five drops