Thursday, March 22, 2012

Marinate Meat

Marinate Meat

Marinating meat is one of the best ways to give it more flavor and to tenderize it at the same time. It's foolproof if you follow a few simple guidelines.


1. Trim the meat so that it's ready for cooking. You shouldn't have to cut or trim the meat after it's been marinated.

2. Mix together the marinade according to its recipe.

3. Notice whether the marinade contains these three key ingredients: acid (such as wine, lemon juice or vinegar), salt or alcohol. Each one reduces the amount of time the meat should marinate.

4. Combine the meat and marinade in a nonreactive, sealed container. Make especially sure not to use aluminum or cast iron, and try to avoid metal altogether, if possible.

5. Marinate in a sealable plastic bag if you can. You can turn these over often, ensuring that all surfaces get coated in the marinade.

6. Immediately place the container in the refrigerator. Never marinate meat at room temperature.

7. See tips for marinating times.

8. When ready to cook, be sure to treat the marinated meat with the same care you would treat any raw meat.

9. Discard the marinade after use.

Tags: Marinate Meat