Friday, July 5, 2013

What Are Some Cooking Tips

Although eating the right foods will lower disease risks and increases productivity, people are often in a rush and do not have time to think of its importance. However, there are some cooking tricks and tips to make your meals healthier while protecting yourself from illnesses.

Decrease the Amount of Fat

If you want your meals to be healthier, reduce the fat. Decrease the amount of oil, butter, margarine or any kind of high fat. Use wine-based sauces, soy sauce or broth water instead of sauces that have high percentage of cream or fat. Put a small amount on the pan and cook your vegetables or your meat. You can also reduce fat by using apple puree instead of fat. If you are making chocolate cake or cookies, you should use prune puree.

Reduce Sugar

You can reduce sugar by using different sweeteners. Although this can cause the texture to suffer, it can also decrease the sugar by half. Another way to make healthier meals is to use honey, molasses or brown sugar, which is rich in nutrients. Agave syrup is also an alternative because it is has a low glycemic index. Sugar substitutes work best when used on cold items because high temperatures can cause lack of sweetness. In this case, use half sugar substitutes and half-granulated sugar.

Increase Fibers

Replace wheat flour with nutritious graham or whole-wheat flour, spelt flour or oat flour. Quinoa flour and earthy buckwheat flour are also alternatives rich in fiber. Use beans in your meals because it is also high in fiber and it is a good source of protein.

Cook on the Grill

The advantage of cooking on the grill is that your food will be tasty and healthy at the same time. Beside meat, you can use the grill for vegetables, fish and even some fruits. You can cook fish fillets wrapped in aluminum foil or make healthier French fries. Before grilling, moisten the inside of a pan with a non-stick cooking spray. Cut strips of potato, scatter them in the pan and put it on the grill over a low flame. You can also grill pineapple, tuna or squash.

Tags: your meals, make healthier, meals healthier, your meals healthier