Friday, September 4, 2009

Use A Manual Meat Tenderizer

Meat tenderizers can allow the meat to cook evenly which improves the taste of the dish. Using a meat tenderizer can also cut down on the time that you need to cook the meat. A manual meat tenderizer is easy to use and only take a few minutes to completely tenderize a cut of meat.


1. Defrost the cut of meat that you wish to cook. Any form of defrosting is acceptable, including fridge or microwave.

2. Wash off the cut of meat. A quick rinse under the faucet is sufficient.

3. Place the meat on a flat, hard surface. Most cooks use a cutting board surface when using a manual meat tenderizer.

4. Push the meat tenderizer down onto the cut of meat. To operate a manual meat tenderizer, you simply apply pressure on the handle and the blades come down into the meat. Start at one end of the cut.

5. Work your way over the entire cut of meat. It may take several minutes, but you'll want to make sure that you use the tenderizer over each section of the meat. On thicker portions, you should probably work on it more than thinner cuts.

6. Cook the meat once you have finished using the meat tenderizer. You should notice that it cooks quicker and more evenly over the entire cut.

Tags: meat tenderizer, manual meat, manual meat tenderizer, over entire